

  • siusiuguo@hotmail.com,siusiuguo@xauat.edu.cn
1. 教育背景
2. 工作经历
3. 讲授课程
本科生课程: 混凝土结构设计原理、土木工程概论、混凝土与砌体结构
硕士生课程: Dynamics of Structures
博士生课程: 结构随机振动
[1]  国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“非独立泊松白噪声激励下随机非线性系统的响应研究”(编号:1150020487),2016.01~2018.12,项目负责人.
[2] 陕西省自然科学基础研究基金青年人才项目“基于过滤泊松白噪声地震动模型的结构随机地震反应”(编号:2018JQ5167),2018.01~2019.12,项目负责人.
[3] 陕西省教育厅专项科研基金项目“型钢混凝土组合框架节点受力性能和设计方法研究”(编号:2016JK1440),2016.07~2018.6,项目负责人.
1. 代表性论文
 Guo, SS*,Shi, QX,Xu, ZD, Nonstationary seismic responses of nonlinear structural systems to modulated earthquake excitations, ASCE J. Eng.Mech. 2019 (Accepted).
Guo, SS,Shi, QX*,Transient influence of correlation between excitations on system responses, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 2019 (Accepted).
Guo, SS* , Nonstationary solutions of nonlinear dynamical systems excited by Gaussian white noise, Nonlinear Dyn. 2018, 92:613-626.
Guo, SS*, Transient response of stochastic systems under stationary excitations, Prob. Eng. Mech. 2018, 53:59-65.
Guo, SS, Shi, QX*. Probabilistic solutions of nonlinear oscillators excited by combine d colore d and white noise excitations, Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 2017, 44:414-423.
Guo, SS*, Shi, QX, Probabilistic solutions of nonlinear oscillators to subject random colored noise excitations", Acta Mech. 2017, 228(1):255-267.
Guo, SS*, Shi, QX, Stationary solution of Duffing oscillator driven by additive and multiplicative colored noise excitations, J. Vib. Acoust. 2017, 136 (2):024502.
Guo, SS, Shi, QX, Zhu, HT*, Influence of nonzero mean impulse amplitudes on the response statistics of dynamical systems, J. Comput. Nonlinear Dynam. 2017, 12(4):041002.
 Er, GK, Iu VP, Wang K, Guo SS, Stationary probabilistic solutions of the cables with small sag and modeled as MDOF systems excited by Gaussian white noise, Nonlinear Dyn. 85 (2016) 1887-1899
Guo SS,Wang, DF,Liu ZS*,Probabilistic analysis of random structural intensity for structural members under stochastic loadings, Inter. J. Computational Methods, 2015, 12(3):1550013-1-1550013-22
 Zhu, HT, Guo, SS*, Periodic response of a Duffing oscillator under combined harmonic and random excitations, J. Vib. Acoust. 2015, 137(4):041015.
 He, YH, Guo, SS, Liu, ZS*, Liew, KM, Pattern transformation of thermo-responsive shape memory polymer periodic cellular structures, Inter. J. Solid Struct. 2015, 71(1):194-205.
Guo, SS*, Probabilistic solution of nonlinear oscillators under correlated external and parametric white noises,J. Vib. Acoust. 2014, 36(3): 031003.
 Guo, SS*, Er, GK, Lam, CC, Probabilistic solutions of nonlinear oscillators under correlated external and velocity-multiplicative Gaussian white noises, Nonlinear Dyn., 2014,77(3):597-604.
 He, LC, Guo, SS, Lei, JC, Sha, ZD, Liu, ZS (*), The effect of Stone-Thrower-Wales defects on mechanical properties of graphene sheets-a molecular dynamics study, Carbon,2014, 75: 124-132.
 Li, YX, Guo, SS, He, YH, Liu, ZS.(*), A simplified constitutive model for predicting shape memory polymers deformation behavior,Inter. J.Comput. Mater. Sci. Eng., 2014, 3(4):1550001.
Er, GK, Guo, SS*,Iu VP,Probabilistic solution of the stochastic oscillators with even nonlinearity in displacement,J. Vib. Acoust. 2012, 134(5):054501.
 Guo, SS*, Er, GK, The probabilistic solution of stochastic oscillators with even nonlinearity under poisson white noise, Central European Journal of Physics, 2012, 10(3):702-707.
2. 参编书籍
参编由帝国理工出版社(Imperial College Press)出版的英文书籍《Frontiers in Applied Mechanics》。
3. 获奖
[1] 2017年获批了陕西省第九批青年百人项目。
[2] 2014年获得由International Symposium on Frontiers in Applied Mechanics 颁发的Best poster prize。
[3] 2012年获得由ISMA organizing committee Sponsored by the EC via the FP7 Marie Curie ITN projects VECOM and MID-FREQUENCY颁发的ISMA Student fellowship。