

  • yan-xf@xauat.edu.cn

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(2) https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Xi-Feng-Yan

研究团队长期与北京工业大学赵衍刚教授团队、中科院1区SCI期刊《Thin-Walled Structures》主编、葡萄牙里斯本大学Nuno Silvestre教授和编委、埃及坦塔大学Mostafa Fahmi Hassanein教授紧密联系,欢迎力学、材料、土木结构与防灾等学科背景的同学报考,鼓励、支持且可推荐学生到日本、英国、澳大利亚等国家进一步深造!

2014.09−2017.06,西安建筑科技大学,结构工程,硕士(导师:杨俊芬 教授)
2017.09−2018.03,日本神奈川大学,建筑学,研究生(导师:赵衍刚 教授)
2018.04−2021.03,日本神奈川大学,建筑学,博士(导师:赵衍刚 教授)

2021.09−2024.09,西安建筑科技大学,hy3380cc海洋之神,师资博士后(导师:郝际平 教授)

1. 多灾耦合作用下新型钢(铝合金)与混凝土组合结构性能评估与提升策略
2. 高性能钢(铝合金)结构稳定与抗震分析
3. 绿色可持续土木工程材料与结构体系
4. 人工智能与数字孪生
[1] 日本建筑学会会员
[2] 中国建筑金属结构协会检测鉴定加固改造分会委员
[3] SCI期刊《Smart Construction》编辑委员会青年编委
[4] SCI期刊《Buildings》(JCR-2区)客座主编
[5] CSCD期刊《长安大学学报(自然科学版)》编辑委员会青年编委
[6] 担任国际SCI检索期刊《Composite Structures》、《Thin-Walled Structures》、《Journal of Structural Engineering》、《Engineering Structures》、《Journal of Constructional Steel Research》、《Journal of Building Engineering》、《Structures》等审稿专家

[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,52308201,柔性撞击下圆中空夹层钢管混凝土桥墩抗撞性能及剩余承载力评估,2024.01−2026.12,在研,主持
[2] 陕西省自然科学基础研究基金青年项目,2023-JC-QN-0394,腐蚀高强中空夹层钢管混凝土柱性能退化机理及评估方法研究,2023.01−2024.12,在研,主持
[3] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2022MD713787,腐蚀中空夹层钢管混凝土柱尺寸效应研究与轴压性能评估,2022.06−2024.09,已结题,主持
[4] 西安建筑科技大学人才引进科研项目,1960321041,圆中空夹层双钢管混凝土柱的加载方式研究和性能评估,2021.10−2024.08,已结题,主持
[5] 西安建筑科技大学国家基金培育专项,1960522124,火灾后中空夹层钢管混凝土构件抗冲击性能及剩余承载力研究, 2023.01−2023.12,已结题,主持
[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,52278213,考虑框架扩展效应的自复位钢板剪力墙结构抗震性能与设计方法研究,2023.01−2026.12,在研,参与
[7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,52478206,受控摇摆钢板剪力墙-钢框架体系抗震机理与设计方法研究,2025.01−2028.12,在研,参与
[8] 陕西省自然科学基础研究基金面上项目,2022JM-308,箱式模块化钢结构减隔震连接节点受力机理及抗震性能研究,2022.01−2023.12,已结题,参与
1. 获奖情况
[1] 日本政府文部科学省奖学金(PhD candidate MEXT-Scholar)
[2] 日本神奈川大学“米田吉盛教育奖学金”
[3] 日本住宅协会国际居住年(IYSH)“纪念奖”

2. 部分代表性论文
[1] Xi-Feng Yan, Siqi Lin (通讯作者), Di Yang, Yan-Gang Zhao, Fiber-based model for rectangular/square concrete-filled steel tubular columns under arbitrary end moment ratios considering member imperfection[J], Engineering Structures, 2024, 318:118795.
[2] Xi-Feng Yan, Meng-Nan He (通讯作者), Circular concrete-filled double-skin steel tubular short columns under axial compression: An improved theoretical model and design[J], Structures, 2024, 67:106977.
[3] Xi-Feng Yan, M.F. Hassanein (通讯作者), Fangying Wang, Siqi Lin, Behaviour of eccentrically loaded concrete-filled rectangular ferritic stainless steel tubular slender columns: Numerical modelling and design[J], Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2024, 21:e03506.
[4] Xi-Feng Yan (通讯作者), Ji-Ping Hao, Meng-Nan He, Behavior of circular concrete-filled double-skin aluminum alloy tubular stub columns: Test, modeling and confinement-based design[J], Journal of Building Engineering, 2024, 95:110060.
[5] Xi-Feng Yan, Meng-Nan He, Ji-Ping Hao (通讯作者), Siqi Lin, Theoretical model of circular concrete-filled aluminum alloy tubular short columns under axial compression[J], Engineering Structures, 2024, 303:117549.
[6] Xi-Feng Yan, Siqi Lin (通讯作者), Yan-Gang Zhao, Behaviour and confinement mechanism of circular concrete-filled aluminum alloy tubular stub columns under axial compression[J], Marine Structures, 2024, 95:103600.
[7] M.F. Hassanein, N. Silvestre, Xi-Feng Yan (通讯作者), Confinement-based direct design of circular concrete-filled double-skin normal and high strength steel short columns[J], Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 183:110446.
[8] Xi-Feng Yan, Mizan Ahmed (通讯作者), M.F. Hassanein, Meng-Nan He, Performance analysis and design of circular high‐strength concrete‐filled double‐skin aluminum tubular short columns under axial loading[J], Structural Concrete, 2023, 24(5):5677−5696.
[9] Xi-Feng Yan, Mizan Ahmed (通讯作者), Meng-Nan He, Behavior and design of axially loaded high-strength concrete-filled circular aluminum tubular short columns[J], Structures, 2022, 44:357−371.
[10] Xi-Feng Yan, Yan-Gang Zhao, Siqi Lin (通讯作者), Compressive behaviour of circular CFDST short columns with high-and ultrahigh-strength concrete[J], Thin-Walled Structures, 2021, 164:107898.
[11] Xi-Feng Yan, Yan-Gang Zhao (通讯作者), Experimental and numerical studies of circular sandwiched concrete axially loaded CFDST short columns[J], Engineering Structures, 2021, 230:111617.
[12] Xi-Feng Yan, Yan-Gang Zhao, Siqi Lin (通讯作者), Haizhong Zhang, Confining stress path-based compressive strength model of axially compressed circular concrete-filled double-skin steel tubular short columns[J], Thin-Walled Structures, 2021, 165:107949.
[13] Xi-Feng Yan, M.F. Hassanein (通讯作者), Fangying Wang, Meng-Nan He, Behaviour and design of high-strength concrete-filled rectangular ferritic stainless steel tubular (CFFSST) short columns subjected to axial compression[J], Engineering Structures, 2021, 242:112611.
[14] Siqi Lin, Yan-Gang Zhao, Zhao-Hui Lu, Xi-Feng Yan (通讯作者), Unified theoretical model for axially loaded concrete-filled steel tube stub columns with different cross-sectional shapes[J], Journal of Structural Engineering, 2021, 147(10):04021159.
[15] Xi-Feng Yan, Yan-Gang Zhao (通讯作者), Compressive strength of axially loaded circular concrete-filled double-skin steel tubular short columns[J], Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2020, 170:106114.
[16] Yan-Gang Zhao, Xi-Feng Yan (通讯作者), Siqi Lin, Compressive strength of axially loaded circular hollow centrifugal concrete-filled steel tubular short columns[J], Engineering Structures, 2019, 201:109828.
[17] Xi-Feng Yan (通讯作者), Chao Yang, Experimental research and analysis on residual stress distribution of circular steel tubes with different processing techniques[J], Thin-Walled Structures, 2019, 144:106268.
[18] 闫西峰 (通讯作者), 郝际平, 赵衍刚, 考虑有效混凝土强度的中空夹层钢管混凝土短柱轴压性能研究[J], 工程力学, 2024, 41(11):1−12. 

3. 部分国内外学术会议报告
[1] Xi-Feng Yan (Invited Lecture). Theoretical model of circular axially loaded concrete-filled aluminum alloy tubular stub columns, The 9th International Symposium on Lifeline and Infrastructure Earthquake Engineering (ISLIEE 2024), September 20-23, 2024, Beijing, China.
[2] Xi-Feng Yan, Yan-Gang Zhao. Research on compressive behaviour of circular CFDST stub columns under axial loading modes, Tenth International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures (ICASS’2020), May 12-14, 2022, Chengdu, China.
[3] Xi-Feng Yan, Yan-Gang Zhao. Compressive behaviour of circular concrete axially loaded CFDST stub columns, 17th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction (EASEC-17), June 15-17, 2022, Singapore.
[4] 闫西峰. 中空夹层钢管混凝土轴压短柱性能分析的纤维梁单元模型, 第十一届全国地震工程学术会议, 2023年4月14-16日, 中国西安.
[5] 闫西峰. 考虑有效混凝土强度的中空夹层钢管混凝土短柱轴压性能研究, 第三届土木工程计算与仿真技术学术会议, 2023年5月12-14日, 中国南宁.
[6] 闫西峰 (邀请报告). 基于不同轴向加载模式的圆中空夹层钢管混凝土短柱力学性能研究, 第六届全国防灾减灾工程学术会议, 2023年6月16-18日, 中国北京.
[7] 闫西峰. 基于约束应力路径的中空夹层钢管混凝土柱轴压强度评估, 全国韧性城乡与防灾减灾博士后学术论坛, 2023年10月14-16日, 中国郑州.
[8] 闫西峰. 圆中空夹层铝合金管混凝土短柱基于侧向约束的轴压强度预测, 第三届全国动力多灾害工程结构防护学术研讨会暨第五届强动载作用下工程材料与结构损伤破坏学术研讨会, 2024年7月5-7日, 中国南京.